Installation Guide
In order to execute the python code within the repository you will need to have Python (>=3.6, <4) along with the package installer pip3 on your system installed.
python (>=3.6, <4)
We recommend using a virtual environment. A guide for setting up a virtual environment with Pyenv and virtualenv can be found in the next section.
Installing this Python Package
If you want to install this package, you can do that by going to the directory software/python and typing:
pip install .[all]
If you want to install a minimal version without tensorflow, stable_baselines3, and drake you can do:
pip install .
Note: This has to be repeated if you make changes to the library. Note: If a package cannot be found it may help to do:
pip install --upgrade pip
Note: This assumes that pip is pip3.
OPTIONAL: Crocoddyl and Gepetto Viewer
For installing the optimal control library Crocoddyl, we refer to the instructions provided in the Crocoddyl github repository and recommend the installation through robotpkg.
Crocoddyl has an interface to the gepetto-viewer for visualization. For installing the gepetto viewer we refer to their github repository.