Trajectory optimization using direct collocation
Type: Trajectory Optimization
State/action space constraints: Yes
Optimal: Yes
Versatility: Swingup and stabilization
Direct collocation is an approach from collocation methods , which transforms the optimal control problem into a mathematical programming problem. The numerical solution can be achieved directly by solving the new problem using sequential quadratic programming [1] [2]. The formulation of the optimization problem at the collocation points is as follows:
\(\bf{x}\) = \([\theta(.),\dot\theta(.)]^T\)>: Angular position and velocity are the states of the system
u: Input torque of the system applied by motor
N = 21: Number of break points in the trajectory
\(h_k = t_{k} - t_k\): Time interval between two breaking points
\(l(u) = u^T R u\): Running cost
R = 10: Input weight
\(\dot{\bf{x}}(t_{c,n})\): Nonlinear dynamics of the pendulum considered as equality constraint at collocation point
\(t_{c,k} = \frac{1}{2}\left(t_k t_{k1}\right)\): A collocation point at time instant \(k,(i.e.,{\bf{x}}[k] = {\bf{x}}(t_k))\),in which the collocation constraints depends on the decision variables \({\bf{x}}[k], {\bf{x}}[k2, B1], u[k], u[k2, B1]\)
\(u_{max} = 10\): Maximum torque limit
\(\bf{x}_0 = [\theta = 0, \dot\theta = 0]\): Initial state constraint
\(\bf{x}_F = [\theta = \pi,\dot\theta = 0]\): Terminal state constraint
Minimum and a maximum spacing between sample times set to 0.05 and 0.5`s`. It assumes a first-order hold on the input trajectory, in which the signal is reconstructed as a piecewise linear approximation to the original sampled signal.
The direct collocation algorithm explained above can be executed by using the DirectCollocationCalculator
dircal = DirectCollocationCalculator()
To parse the pendulum parameters to the calculator, do:
The optimal trajectory can be computed with:
x_trajectory, dircol, result = dircal.compute_trajectory(N=21,
start_state=[0.0, 0.0],
goal_state=[3.14, 0.0])
The method returns three pydrake objects containing the optimization results. The trajectory as numpy arrays can be extracted from these objects with:
T, X, XD, U = dircal.extract_trajectory(x_trajectory, dircol, result, N=1000)
where T is the time, X the position, XD the velocity and U the control trajectory. The parameter N determines here how with how many steps the trajectories are sampled.
The phase space of the trajectory can be plotted with:
dircal.plot_phase_space_trajectory(x_trajectory, save_to="None")
If a string with a path to a file location is parsed with ‘save_to’ the plot is saved there.
The trajectory optimization using direct collocation for the pendulum swing-up is accomplished by taking advantage of Drake toolbox [3].
[3] Model-Based Design and Verification for Robotics <>