Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Training


Type: Closed loop, learning based, model free

State/action space constraints: None

Optimal: Yes

Versatility: Swing-up and stabilization


The Deep deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm is a reinforcement learning (RL) method. DDPG is a model-free off-policy algorithm. The controller is trained via interaction with the system, such that a (sub-)optimal mapping from state space to control command is learned. The learning process is guided by a reward function that encodes the task, similar to the usage of cost functions in optimal control.

DDPG can thought of Q-learning for continuous action spaces. It utilizes two networks, an actor and a critic. The actor receives a state and proposes an action. The critic assigns a value to a state action pair. The better an action suits a state the higher the value.

Further, DDPG makes use of target networks in order to stabilize the training. This means there are a training and a target version of the actor and critic models. The training version is used during training and the target networks are partially updated by polyak averaging:

\[\phi_{targ} = \tau \phi_{targ} (1 - \tau) \phi_{train}\]

where \(\tau\) is usually small.

DDPG also makes use of a replay buffer, which is a set of experiences which have been observed during training. The replay buffer should be large enough to contain a wide range of experiences. For more information on DDPG please refer to the original paper [1]:

This implementation losely follows the keras guide [2].


The ddpg trainer can be initialized with:

trainer = ddpg_trainer(batch_size=64,

where the parameters are

  • batch_size: number of samples to train on in one training step

  • validate_every: evaluate the training progress every validate_every episodes

  • validation_reps: number of episodes used during the evaluation

  • train_every_steps: frequency of training compared to taking steps in the environment

Before the training can be started the following three initialisations have to be made:



Attention: Make sure to call these functions in this order as they build upon another.

The parameters of init_pendulum are:

  • mass: mass of the pendulum

  • length: length of the pendulum

  • inertia: inertia of the pendulum

  • damping: damping of the pendulum

  • coulomb_friction: coulomb_friction of the pendulum

  • gravity: gravity

  • torque_limit: torque limit of the pendulum

The parameters of init_environment are:

  • dt: timestep in seconds

  • integrator: which integrator to use (“euler” or “runge_kutta”)

  • max_steps: maximum number of timesteps the agent can take in one episode

  • reward_type: Type of reward to use receive from the environment (“continuous”, “discrete”, “soft_binary”, soft_binary_with_repellor” and “open_ai_gym”)

  • target: the target state ([np.pi, 0] for swingup)

  • state_target_epsilon: the region around the target which is considered as target

  • random_init: How the pendulum is initialized in the beginning of each episode (“False”, “start_vicinity”, “everywhere”)

  • state_representation: How to represent the state of the pendulum (should be 2 or 3). 2 for regular representation (position, velocity). 3 for trigonometric representation (cos(position), sin(position), velocity).

  • validation_limit: Validation threshold to stop training early

The parameters of init_agent are:

  • replay_buffer_size: The size of the replay_buffer

  • actor: the tensorflow model to use as actor during training. If None, the default model is used

  • critic: the tensorflow model to use as actor during training. If None, the default model is used

  • discount: The discount factor to propagate the reward during one episode

  • actor_lr: learning rate for the actor model

  • critic_lr: learning rate for the critic model

  • tau: determines how much of the training models is copied to the target models

After these initialisations the training can be started with:


where the parameters are:

  • n_episodes: number of episodes to train

  • verbose: Whether to print training information to the terminal

Afterwards the trained model can be saved with:"log_data/ddpg_training")

The save method will save the actor and critic model under the given path.


Attention: This will delete existiong models at this location. So if you want to keep a trained model, move the saved files somewhere else.

The default reward function used during training is open_ai_gym

\[r=-(\theta-\pi)^{2}-0.1 (\dot{\theta}-0)^{2}-0.001 u^{2}"\]

This encourages spending most time at the target (in the equation ([pi, 0]) with actions as small as possible. Different reward functions can be used by changing the reward type in init_environment. Novel reward functions can be implemented by modifying the swingup_reward method of the training environment with an appropriate if clause, and then selecting this reward function in the init_environment parameters under the key ‘reward_type’. The training enviroment is located in gym_environment


For an example of how to train a sac model see the script in the examples folder.

The trained model can be used with the ddpg controller.


Todo: comments on training convergence stability


  • Tensorflow 2.x


[1] Lillicrap, Timothy P., et al. “Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.02971 (2015).

[2] reras guide