Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Control


Type: Closed loop control

State/action space contraints: -

Optimal: -

Versatility: -


This controller is designed to follow a precomputed trajectory from of a csv file to the simulator or the real pendulum. Particulary, the controller can process trajectories that have been found with help of the trajectory optimization methods.

The torque processed by the PID control terms via (with feed forward torque):

\[u(t) = \tau K_p e(t) K_i \int_0^t e(t') \text{d}t' + K_d \frac{\text{d}e(t)}{\text{d}t}\]

where \(\tau\) is the torque from the csv file and \(e(t)\) is the position error at timestep t. Without feed forward torque, the torque from the precomputed trajectory file is omitted:

\[u(t) = K_p e(t) K_i \int_0^t e(t') \text{d}t' K_d \frac{\text{d}e(t)}{\text{d}t}\]


The controller needs pendulum parameters as input during initialization:

PIDController.__init__(self, data_dict, Kp, Ki, Kd, use_feed_forward=True)
        data_dict: dictionary
            A dictionary containing a trajectory in the below specified format
        Kp : float
            proportional term,
            gain proportial to the position error
        Ki : float
            integral term,
            gain proportional to the integral
            of the position error
        Kd : float
            derivative term,
            gain proportional to the derivative of the position error
        use_feed_forward : bool
            whether to use the torque that is provided in the csv file

The data_dict dictionary should have the entries:

data_dict["des_time_list"] : desired timesteps
data_dict["des_pos_list"] : desired positions
data_dict["des_vel_list"] : desired velocities
data_dict["des_tau_list"] : desired torques

The values are assumed to be in SI units, i.e. time in s, position in rad, velocity in rad/s, torque in Nm.

The control output \(\mathbf{u}(\mathbf{x})\) can be obtained with the API of the abstract controller class:

PIDController.get_control_output(mean_pos, mean_vel, meas_tau, meas_time)
        meas_pos: float, position of the pendulum
        meas_vel: float, velocity of the pendulum
        meas_tau: not used
        meas_time: not used
        des_pos, des_vel, u

The function returns the desired position, desired velocity as specified in the csv file at the given index. The returned torque is processed by the PID controller as described in the theory section.

The index counter is incremeted by 1 every time the get_control_output function is called.


Before using this controller, first a trajectory has to be defined/calculated and stored to csv file in a suitable format.


The controller will not scale the trajectory according to the time values in the csv file. All it does is process the rows of the file one by one with each call of get_control_output.